Jesus tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

Bethel is committed to finishing the task of taking the gospel to all nations by focusing on places that remain unreached.


The following global priorities are meant to be a guiding force for the ministry of Bethel Church worldwide. For a full description, please read our Priorities for Global Ministry.

Rooted in the Local Church

The church is God’s means for growing His kingdom in our world, so global partners should work with and alongside local churches to increase and grow the disciples in that community.

Unreached People Groups

Bethel longs for the fulfillment of Revelation 5:9-10: That every tribe, language, people and nation would be worshiping our Lord. In keeping with this vision, we want to focus a larger portion of our resources on the areas of the world with a lack of gospel witness or a heightened resistance to it. 

Church Planting

Reproducing new church plants that in turn plant other churches should be a ministry goal. These churches should fit the cultural context in which they are planted. New churches best reach the unchurched population, new generations, and new people groups.

Leadership Development

The task of making disciples of all nations cannot be shouldered by a small group of individuals; new generations of leaders must continually be developed. Bethel desires to support the training of mature, God-fearing men to lead the church in their context. Bethel seeks to focus on training godly leaders in her own body, as well as globally.

Multiplication Discipleship

Potential partners should have a discipleship strategy that equips their disciples to make other disciples.

Gospel Compassion and Proclamation 

The ministry should strive to meet physical needs and spiritual needs – acts of service (gospel neighboring) tied with proclamation of truth (gospel messaging).