Bethel Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
Cedar Lake
13620 Wicker Ave, Cedar Lake, IN 46303
Bethel is a multicampus church that believes that all of life is about Jesus Christ and his glory. We want to be a church that reaches the community of Northwest Indiana with the gospel and makes much of the name of Jesus.
Crown Point
10202 Broadway, Crown Point, IN 46307
Bethel is a multicampus church that believes that all of life is about Jesus Christ and his glory. We want to be a church that reaches the community of Northwest Indiana with the gospel and makes much of the name of Jesus.
704 W 700 N, Hobart, IN 46342
Bethel is a multicampus church that believes that all of life is about Jesus Christ and his glory. We want to be a church that reaches the community of Northwest Indiana with the gospel and makes much of the name of Jesus.
Chinese Congregation
9516 Kennedy Ave, Highland IN 46322
伯特利是个多分堂多语言的教会, 包括英语聚会与华语(普通话)聚会。 我们相信万有都关乎耶稣基督和祂的荣耀(歌罗西书1:15-20)。我们希望成为一个传福音的教会, 达于印第安纳州西北部的各个小区,教耶稣的名得高举。
Latest Livestream
Watch our latest livestream or go through our archives to find one that fits what you're looking for in your season of life.
Meet the TEam
The Lord has provided many wonderful people to lead and shepherd Bethel Church.
Meet our Bethel staff members and elders.
Meet our Bethel staff members and elders.
Discipleship Groups
We were created to be in community, both in relationship with God and with each other. Our communities are designed to create intentional relationships with those in similar stages of life.

we Can't wait
to see you
Together, we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus – not just on Sunday morning – but throughout everything in our lives the week. Join us for one of our events to continue to strive to make your life All About Him!