At Bethel, we believe that giving back to the Lord is an obligation and opportunity. As people who have been greatly blessed by God through the person and work of Jesus, we have the obligation of joyfully giving back to Him a portion of what He has so freely bestowed on us. But giving is also an opportunity to worship Christ and to use our resources to further His Kingdom both here in Northwest Indiana and around the world.
Ways To Give
Give Online (click on a campus to give)
You can give online through our portal, Pushpay. You can give one time, or set up a recurring gift. Gifts will still be recorded in your Hub profile.
Give In Person
Place your checks/cash in the offering on Sundays. Please note that checks placed in the offering basket are recorded on the Sunday when they are received. Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes, your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check. If you prefer to give in this way, we recommend that you request offering envelopes.
Mail A Check
Mail your checks (please don’t send cash) to the church office. Checks are recorded on the postmark date on the envelope:
Bethel Church
Attn: Finance Dept.
10202 Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307
If your bank has automated bill paying (i.e. JP Morgan/Chase) you can set up Bethel Church to receive electronically generated checks, allowing you an easier way to be systematic in your giving.
Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes, your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check. For gifts made by mail at year end, IRS regulations require that the postmark stamped on your envelope bear the same year as that for which you intend to receive credit for the gift. We are precluded by law from crediting in December any gift received by mail postmarked in January of the subsequent year.
Bethel Church
Attn: Finance Dept.
10202 Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307
If your bank has automated bill paying (i.e. JP Morgan/Chase) you can set up Bethel Church to receive electronically generated checks, allowing you an easier way to be systematic in your giving.
Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes, your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check. For gifts made by mail at year end, IRS regulations require that the postmark stamped on your envelope bear the same year as that for which you intend to receive credit for the gift. We are precluded by law from crediting in December any gift received by mail postmarked in January of the subsequent year.

Stock Donation
If you are interested in gifting stock to Bethel Church, please call or email Dave Harvey (dharvey@bethelweb.org) or Dana Behler (dbehler@bethelweb.org) with the following information:
You will need to provide your broker with the following information on the Bethel Church Charles Schwab Account:
Please call the Finance Office at 219-663-9200 if you have other questions.
- The name of the stock you want to donate to Bethel and how many shares you are planning to transfer.
- The date on which you anticipate the transfer to occur.
- What Bethel giving category you want to support (i.e., General Fund, Missions, etc.)
You will need to provide your broker with the following information on the Bethel Church Charles Schwab Account:
- Name of Account: Bethel Church
- DTC # 0164
- Bethel Church Schwab Account # 7984-3569
Please call the Finance Office at 219-663-9200 if you have other questions.