
9516 Kennedy Ave, Highland IN 46322

伯特利是个多分堂多语言的教会, 包括英语聚会与华语(普通话)聚会。 我们相信万有都关乎耶稣基督和祂的荣耀(歌罗西书1:15-20)。我们希望成为一个传福音的教会, 达于印第安纳州西北部的各个小区,教耶稣的名得高举。
华语堂聚会地点借用加略山浸信会,9516 Kennedy Ave, Highland IN 46322

Who We Are

Being a multi-campus congregation located in Northwest Indiana, we exist to glorify God by making fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ who worship and exalt him in all things. 

What We Do

We strive to fulfill this purpose as we: devote ourselves to the preaching, study, and application of God’s Word; seek the Lord in earnest prayer; experience the power of authentic, life-changing fellowship; and engage our community and the world with the gospel.

What's Different

Our vision is to see this area, the nation, and the world transformed by the gospel through preaching, ministries, and outreach.