On behalf of our Women’s Ministry team, welcome to our community of Bethel women! Whether you are brand new to Bethel, or you have been here for decades, it is our hope to meet you and connect you with other women who love Jesus and want to gather in his name. So boldly come as you are – you are fully welcomed into our family! We encourage you to step into our loving community and invite you to contact us today to get connected.
Bottom line?
We see you.
We want to meet you.
You matter.
We see you.
We want to meet you.
You matter.
Click the link above for WOW teachings and other video resources.
Women's Ministry Team

Kim McCool
Women's Ministry Director

Rebekah Douglas
Hobart/Portage Women's Ministry Coordinator

Iris Perez
Women's Ministry Assistant

Amanda Vanderzee
Cedar Lake Women's Ministry Coordinator

Women of the Word (“WOW”) is the weekly discipleship ministry for women at Bethel. This weekly Bible study is offered in both the fall and spring to women who want to grow closer to God by studying the Bible. Our hope is that eventually all women would find themselves in WOW, digging deep into God’s Word and doing life together with other women who love Jesus. We offer several options including mornings with childcare, evenings, Zoom and independent study.

The Well is a special space for moms in all seasons of motherhood to come get encouragement as we all try to parent the next generation to Christ. We connect relationally and prayerfully share our challenges and joys as moms. This is for all moms, including those with adult children and grandchildren because we know, once a mom, always a mom. You are welcome anytime and we encourage you to bring your friends! Checkout the events for each campus' times and details.

Each fall, we create a space for all women to renew our souls and catch our breath called Renew. Renew is a large gathering of all campuses and friends where we find community and encouragement in our walk with God. We rotate between an all-day Renew Conference during odd years onsite at our Crown Point campus, and hosting an offsite Renew Retreat in the even years.

During the summer, Bethel women have fun events which connect us together through fellowship, worship, and conversation. We have our annual For Real all-campus event in June where we have a panel answering real questions from our women. This is a favorite event for many women. We also have campus-specific Summer Soak-Ups on a topic and Girls’ Nights Out at the end of summer.
Everything we do as Bethel Women has the goal of sharing our hopefully contagious passion for Jesus and his beautiful love with one another. We see you. We want to meet you. You matter.