Your support helps contribute to each Go Trip attender to make a difference in the
world to create disciples of Jesus Christ whose lives are All About Him!



Pray for the teams as they prepare their hearts, spirits, and minds for their trips.

Pray for logistics as well as safe and smooth travel. Pray for the good health of team members.

Pray for team unity, patience, humility, servant hearts, and cultural understanding and adjustment.

Pray for the trip leadership to be strengthened and energized as they lead the team.

Pray for the families of goers. Pray that they stay encouraged as they continue life back home.

Pray for the ministry partners, their colleagues, and staff as they prepare for the teams. Pray for their ministries to be encouraged by the teams and long-term relationships to be strengthened.

Pray for those who will be ministered to during the trip. Pray that those who need the light of Jesus would be receptive to the Gospel.

 Pray for ongoing fruit and that the work involving the team will continue beyond the GO trip, and that God will be glorified in all aspects of these lives and ministries.

 Pray that team members would have an increased missions awareness and passion for God’s work globally and locally as a result of the GO trip.